Friends of Skagit County, WA - promoting livable communities and SmartGrowth in Skagit County

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    Preserving Skagit County's rural character by protecting the environment, supporting        sustainable resource based economies and promoting livable urban communities.


What we do

Through grassroots organizing and advocacy we work to protect our open spaces, farms, forests, and natural heritage, and to support compact, "walkable" neighborhoods in our towns.

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In 1993, Skagit County residents founded FOSC to promote local compliance with the state’s Growth Management Act (GMA).  GMA directs counties and cities to protect rural and agricultural lands and “critical areas” such as creeks and wetlands.  GMA also requires that urban services keep up with growth, and encourages revitalization of urban areas instead of unplanned “sprawl” development in rural areas.

FOSC actively participates in Superior Court Cases and Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board cases. Read more...

Friends of Skagit County (FOSC) is a local non-profit organization working for the benefit of the Skagit community to manage growth and stop sprawl.  Through grassroots organizing and advocacy we work to protect our open spaces, farms, forests, and natural heritage, and to support compact, “walkable” neighborhoods in our towns. Read more...

The Washington Legislature passed The Growth Management Act in 1990 to provide for growth and development, while maintaining the state’s quality of life. Read more...


Preserving Skagit County's rural character by protecting the environment, supporting sustainable, resource-based economics and promoting livable urban communities.

© 2003-2019 | Friends of Skagit County | All rights reserved | comments|updated 12.31.19